Friday, March 21, 2008

Law School!

Well, now that I've told my boss, I can put it in the blog.

I'm going to law school! It's looking like the University of Michigan, but other possibilities are Columbia, NYU, and Georgetown, depending on what the postal service brings me. I want to go be a constitutional or civil rights lawyer, to work on more issues than I can count, but two really big ones for me are voting rights and reform and and media accountability. Generally, I want to bring more power to the public to make the change they want to see, by giving everyone access to the right information and then making sure their votes count. We need to make sure the US government cannot abuse power like they have the last eight years (and more), and that is what I hope to help do.

An added bonus is that I'll be able to bring more legal insights and other ideas to the blog, which will be fun, at least for me. Not to mention a little more credibility so someone might actually care what I have to say. Anyway, that's where I am - I am now truly a recovering engineer.

Oh, and speaking of voting reform, I'd love to help with this if it's still going when I get there. It's a fascinating idea.

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